Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera semua. Harini ada masa sikit nak tulis blog. Sebelum ni penulisan admin banyak berkisar pasal kesihatan. Tapi harini, admin tak nak tulis pasal tu. Nak tulis pasal hobi pulak supaya pembaca-pembaca tak cepat bosan dengan blog admin. ceywahhh haha. Ok kita start... Harini hari Selasa. Esok raya. So... macam biasa lah esok nak raya mesti ada sifat bermalas-malasan sikit kat office. Kerja pun tak banyak harini sebab orang dah start bercuti dan tinggal admin sorang je kat office. Masa yang terluang ni admin dok scroll2 gambar-gambar dalam external hard disk dan Tiba-tiba admin terjumpa gambar 2016. Jadi... admin rasa nak throwback sikit hihi Ni gambar tu: 

Mesti korang tertanya-tanya apa maksud gambar yang admin share ni. Gambar ni adalah gambar admin dalam majalah. Nama majalah ni DJ Mag. Meh admin cerita sikit pasal DJ Mag ni. DJ Mag ni adalah United Kingdom (UK) punya DJ magazine yang mempunyai cawangan di Malaysia dan ia akan dijual sebulan sekali. Majalah ni juga boleh didapati di MPH Bookstore dan secara online. Mesti korang tertanya-tanya kan kenapa admin masuk majalah. Haha bajet2 je admin ni kan. Sebenarnya... Majalah ni adalah mengenai DJ. Selain mempunyai kerja tetap dan studyadmin adalah salah seorang pemain muzik secara freelance di Malaysia. Berbalik kepada cerita majalah tadi, ada 1 petang tu admin tengah dok buat assignment. Tiba-tiba ada seseorang call dan cakap syarikat majalah dorang nak interview admin untuk slot "Dj of The Month'' kat dalam majalah dorang. Admin punya seronok masatu bukan kepalang. Tapi masa cakap dalam telefon tu admin tak ada lah tunjuk yang admin seronok sangat. Maklumlah yang call tu perempuan, mesti lah nak kena cover macho. haha! Setelah dia set tarikh, admin pun terus ON je dan akan di interview oleh seseorang yang bernama Yasmeen. Berikut admin kongsi apa yang admin disoal kat dalam majalah tu: 

Dj of The Month: Kuzii 

The passion he has for DJing started since 2009. The year after kickoff for him, playing at his first gig at Elysium, KL. Going bigger in the scene, he has played side by side with international DJs namely Alexander Popov, Alexandre Bergheu, Artento Divini and many more.

1. Dj Mag Malaysia: How did you start DJing?

Kuzii: The story started back in 2009 when my bestfriend, Pajique bought a DJ set. So we tried his brand new stuff in his room just for fun in that period of time. However, I started to gain interest in DJ-ing when our friend, Redzuan came and taught us the basic and correct way to spin. So we keep on training and polish our skills starting that day with his help. After we are confident with our skills in DJ-ing, we started to spin in various parties around KL, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang from 2009 until 2010. They love us and we love them more. The story started to become more interesting when DJ Zol-D came and met me after I finished spinning for a small party back in 2010. He amazed with my skills in spinning and showered me with praises. 2010 is the kickoff of my career when DJ Zol-D invited me to play my first gig at Elysium, Kuala Lumpur. He also offered me to become resident DJ for 4 weeks in that place. I could no say more and agree with his offer. After that, the sky has never been clearer for me as I received many invitations to jam the sick beat at indoor and outdoor events alongside local and international DJs.

2. Dj Mag Malaysia: How was 2016 been for you, any exclusives in 2016 you'd like to share?

Kuzii: 2015 and 2016 is the years where I limit my gigs as I’m currently furthering my study in Accounting as a part time student and will graduate at the end of this year.  I’m working on workdays and attending my classes on weekend so it is pretty hard for me to organize my schedule. I can’t accept all offers by the organizers to spin as I want and have balance in my music, work and study. However, I will still accept certain gigs if it is suitable with my schedule. 2016 is still a great year for me as I have something exclusive to share this year. I will spin alongside with international Djs such as Alexander Popov, Alexandre Bergheau & Mr Pit during the Independence Day’s night on 30th August 2016 at Unix Sound of Asia (USOA) in In-Touch KL.

3. Dj Mag Malaysia: Tell us more about your podcast, ElectricRoom.

Kuzii: My podcast will be uploaded every 2nd week of the month at www.soundcloud.com/kuzii. The one hour length ElectricRoom podcast contains lots of exclusive EDM sound. Each episode, I will pick one track as ElectricRoom exclusive track of the month, which is the most exclusive track in that episode. ElectricRoom podcast was launched by me on 2011 as ElectricRoom 001 (21/04/2011), uploaded at www.podomatic.com. Starting from ElectricRoom 038, I have decided to upload them at soundcloud because soundcloud is the most trending medium for EDM music. On ElectricRoom podcast, I will play the latest songs as much as I can for each episode and the selected songs are based on its different elements and creativity. For those who want to find and keep updated with new songs are invited to follow my soundcloud at www.souncloud.com/kuzii. 

4. Dj Mag Malaysia: What's your proudest achivement so far in your career?

Kuzii: My proudest achievement so far in my career are spinning in 7 outdoor events across Malaysia and have been given the trust to spin alongside international artists such as Alexander Popov, Alexandre Bergheau, Artento Divini, Tom Fall, Angger Dimas, Chris Schweizer, Estiva, Faruk Sabanci, Husman, Tigran Oganezov, James Houlis, Mr. Pit, Mark Sixma and Marlo.

5. Dj Mag Malaysia: Which local DJs that caught your eye and who would like to collaborate with?

Kuzii: To be honest, Malaysia has many talents in this scene. However, Goldfish & Blink showed a drastic increase among other local artists so far. If I was given the opportunity to collaborate with any local artists, Goldfish & Blink will be definitely in my top list. Other than that, misterAriffin and Chukiess & Whackboi are such a huge talent and they are currently conquering the Malaysia’s music scene nowadays. This achievement excites me and I hope that I can levelled their achievement one day.


haaa begitulah ceritanya. Lepas je masuk majalah, admin dapat macam-macam invitation untuk main music termasuk di radio. Admin dapat main kat iM4U.fm untuk slot malam minggu. Admin pun terima je tawaran tu. Berikut admin share  flyers iM4U.fm: 

Admin main music ni boleh kata agak lama dah sebenarnya. Main music ni pun boleh hilangkan stress. Cuma sekarang admin limitkan benda ni atas sebab kekangan masa. Tapi tak apalah, admin tetap boleh lepaskan stress dengan bermain music kat rumah. Baru-baru ni kelas tak ada 2 hari. Ni lah saat-saat paling admin tunggu dan admin dapat tambah baik home studio admin yang dah lama plan nak di tambah baik tapi tergendala. haha home studio ni admin buat kat dalam bilik admin. Berikut admin share sikit home studio admin

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Sekian untuk entri kali ni. Jumpa lagi di entri akan datang. 


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